Top 10 home automation ideas – Ultimate smart home tour with makcautomations

It can be hard to know where to start with smart Home improvements, so I thought I’d do a tour of my Smart Home and walk you through my top 10 home automation. These are the things I value the most to help with security, convenience, saving energy … and even some money over time. I’m Abhay Kumar … Welcome to Undecided. Smart homes are a lot more than gimmicks and needing your smartphone to turn a light on. They really can give you peace of mind and save you energy and money over time. But the number of things you can do can be overwhelming, so I wanted to share some of my favorite home automation Bangalore, and products that I’m currently using, to spark some ideas and inspirations for you. My main rule is that everything should have a purpose and address an issue you’re having day-to-day.

A very close second is that what you do should be additive to how you use your home today … nothing should become more difficult todo. Here are the top 10 home automation from my smart home right now (these aren’t in ranked order). Be sure to stay through the end for an extra tip if you’re just getting started with this.

makcautomationsStarting off on the outside of my house would be the lights. I live on a street with minimal street lights, so at sunset every day I have an automation that turns on our front porch light and light post. And they’ll automatically turn themselves off around bedtime for us.

We normally don’t leave our light in the backyard on for longer than 10-15 minutes, we tend to not hang out there at night, soI have a routine that automatically turns off that light after it’s been on for 30minutes. Plenty of time to take the dog outside at night and get back in. You could also add a motion sensor and have it automatically turn itself on or off if motion’s detected, but our main concern is the smart home system taking care of things in case we forget. Working my way towards getting into the house would be the garage door.

To get this functionality doesn’t mean that you have to replace your whole garage door opener. There are some affordable systems that you can buy to retrofit your opener, like the Chamberlain MyQ. In my case, I’m using a little controller from Garageio. The door button in the garage works as normal, but I can also open and close the door remotely through the Garageio app or through Hubitatwith some help from IFTTT.

When our house flips into away or night mode, the garage door will make sure it’s closed. It’s a set it and forget it automation, and adds some peace of mind that you didn’t forget to close the garage door when you left for work. Covering the other ways into the house would be the outside doors.

There’s no shortage of smart locks on the market, so you can find something in pretty much every price range. I’ve been using an August smart lock for several years now and have been happy with the performance, but wanted something a little more flexible. I don’t always have my phone or key on me. Just recently I upgraded our front and backdoors to Yale Assure touch screen smart locks.

A couple of quick perks are the built-in touchscreen for keyless entry with or without a smartphone, and the flexibility of the integrations kind of amazing. Even though August can integrate into Google, Amazon, and Apple, it’s a proprietary system and has some limitations. Yale did something very clever: you can purchase different wireless modules to make their locks work with pretty much any system out there. In my case, I got Zigbee modules so they can hook into my Hubitat system, but you can get Wifi, Z-wave, and even an August module.

That flexibility along with the looks and features won me over. Combine a smart lock with a door sensor and you can know if the door is open or not. From that, you can set up some pretty powerful automation. Ever had those moments where you wonder if you locked the backdoor after you arrive at work?

Well, with a smart lock you can not only lock it remotely, but you can set up an automation to do it automatically for you without having to even think about it. If both my wife and I are gone and the house is empty, the house automatically flips into away mode, which makes sure all of the doors are locked. The same thing happens when the house goes into night mode around bedtime.

But I also have automation that checks if the door is locked five minutes after the door has closed. That covers those times that someone runs out to put something in the recycling bin and forgets to lock the door again when they come back in … [clears throat] … not that my wife has ever done that … or me. And directly related to that is my home automation around security and intrusion detection.

I have door and window contact sensors around the house, so we know exactly when and which doors have been opened. Most smart home platforms have some kind of home security functionality you can take advantage of.

For More Info:- home automation Chennai

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